Saturday, 21 March 2015

Game Map Research

I decided to do a bit of research into game maps to get an idea of the style I will do mine in. I kinda wanted to do mine like a minecraft-esque isometric 'chunk' view... this is a style that I have seen in a lot of game maps, or at least very similar perspectives. :P

So basically a view looking down similar to the image above. But showing buildings, and the essential street info of course (possibly a few well known landmarks too as a point of reference)

While doing this in pixel art would be more true to a retro gaming style, due to time constraints I will just be whipping it up using solid cell shading. lol

I gathered an assortment of cool looking maps/images that I really feel convey the style I am going for...

This map was used in the game Super Mario World. :) It uses a colorful and illustrative style and shows a map with great diversity in location and mood.

Perfect example of isometric view, though I certainly wont be able to include quite this level of detailing haha. All the details and different colors in the scene really get across the active feel of this urban artwork.

This is a really good example by the same artist, it shows how buildings might look in an isometric style. The map I am going to make will be a rather compact chunk but I was thinking I would add more detail to the spots where the locations are.

This artist has recreated a town from well known game series Pokemon in an isometric view. This is sorta like the size I am going for, although the scale of the objects in it will be smaller due to the amount of streets and buildings covered in the area.

This one is ideally what I am aiming for. Although I doubt mine will match this in skill or accuracy. :) I really like how they added depth by including underground carparks, fossils in the soil and making it look literally cut away like a slice of cake.

Funnily enough, the isometric chunky style reminds me a lot of MC Eschers work in that it shows an unrealistic amount of information due to the use of perspective... But I digress. :)

Relativity by M.C. Escher

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